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Discuss Globalization Project Management

Autor:   •  July 8, 2012  •  Essay  •  2,480 Words (10 Pages)  •  2,017 Views

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Discuss Globalization Project Management

Name: Yuan Bo

Class: 08517B

Student Number: 11479355


In general terms, the role, challenges and characteristics of a Project Manager operating successfully in the global business world. 1

How projects differ from normal ongoing business operations/work, the types of projects and project roles. 2

Discuss the need for strategic planning and how suitable projects are identified and selected. 3

The impact of an organization's structure and culture in terms of the organization's capacity to successfully complete projects. 4

Reference: 6

In general terms, the role, challenges and characteristics of a Project Manager operating successfully in the global business world.

The special nature of the work the project manager, decided it must have good quality:

(1) the quality of knowledge

Knowledge is the basis of the quality of the project manager, project manager of knowledge mainly in the depth of technical expertise, comprehensive knowledge of the breadth and level of management knowledge in three areas.

(2) The quality of character

Character is a character quality, features and other aspects of thinking, project manager of the character qualities including character traits and moral qualities.

In addition to the project manager to have some basic qualities, it also must have a strong ability. 1. Leadership 2. Interpersonal skills. 3. the ability to develop. 4. Problem solving skills. 5. the construction of the project team's ability.

1. throughout the project life cycle to provide direction, research, planning guidance (leadership).

2. as the core project team leadership role to guide and project team members so that they can quickly out of the woods.

3. to the project team members with more resources, time, incentive support to.

4. And project team members, users / customers, the higher the project, other team, and other project stakeholders to maintain a clear / timely communication.

5. Timely and effective coordination and resolve project issues and conflicts between project team members / issues.


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