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Bradley's Performance Management Plan

Autor:   •  August 30, 2015  •  Essay  •  1,162 Words (5 Pages)  •  1,326 Views

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Bradley's Performance Management Plan

Aqueelah Pierce

HRM/ 531 Management

August 17, 2015

Doreen Lawrence

Bradley's Performance Management Plan

    After talking to you on the phone, we have come up with a performance management plan that will be essential and beneficial to Landslide Limousine Company. The performance management plan that we have aligned and outlined with the business strategy will ensure the business is successful. Having outlined the company’s philosophy, job analysis, and skills gap will help the company define and shape the skills needed from your employees. It is important to develop and implement methods the company will use to measure employees skills, training, and a positive approach to effective feedback.

Organizational Business Strategy

    From previous communication with you, your desire location for Landslide Limousine is in Austin Texas, which you expressed in detail with 25 employees. The strategy for the limousine company is to provide first-class transportation options for a variety of customers. The anticipated net revenue for the first year is $-50, 000 with the expectation of 5 % increase for a couple of years and an estimated 10% turnover rate. The philosophy of the Landslide Limousine Company is not just about driving clients to and from their destination but to also provide a memorable experience to their customers that will make them choose Landslide Limousine every time. The Landslide Limousine Company must solidify their company’s performance philosophy by again developing and implementing a solid strategic performance management plan. The company's short term and long term goals are realistic. A strategic performance management plan will bring together the company’s goals. Set the foundation for financial growth. And encourage employee loyalty and longevity with the company. The performance plan helps utilizes the full potential of employees by measuring their ability to help and achieve set goals. But no matter what type of plan for any business the plan must and should be designed to maximize the potential of business employees.

Methods used for Measuring and Addressing Performance Issues

    For the nature of the limousine industry, it would be recommended for a behavior-oriented rating method for Mr. Stonefield’s managers to use for performance appraisals that would have result oriented method as another evaluator. A limousines success depends on an appropriate behavior and sound ability to perform from their employees. According to "Limousine, Charter, &Tour” (2015), it list some important function of a driver. The first and foremost is vehicle safety, ensuring the driver performs pre-trip safety inspections before operating a vehicle and then performs subsequent inspections. Drivers must also be to map and route reading, have excellent driving skills with ensuring backing techniques and safety as well. And the overall is excellent customer service skills. The professional driver serves as an ambassador for the company and to ensure to make a trip as pleasant as possible. Results that oriented tasks that a limousine driver would handle could be meeting a certain quota for attracting new clients, getting to a destination promptly, and keeping low mileage rates on their routes.


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