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Control in the Nicu (neonatal Intensive Care Unit) - Case Study

Autor:   •  July 3, 2018  •  Case Study  •  2,873 Words (12 Pages)  •  737 Views

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Name of university: PVAMU

Course: Acct 5123

Case 1: Controls in the NICU

Instructor: Clyde McNeil CPA

Name of students:

Anh Thai

Ahmad mhawish

Shilpa Bhadviya

Wahiba R Boumaraf




Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………….3

Findings ………………………………………………………….…………………………......4





Case study target the problem of medication dosage in hospital. Compassionate care runs Neonatal intensive care unit (special hospital facility of premature babies) with capacity of fifteen infants. Latest News about death of infant at NICU in Nebraska based neonatal center, due to blood thinning medication overdose, raises concerns about patient safety at Compassionate care unit. Vice President of Administration, Sandy Payne took challenge head on. She analyzed clinical process and combine IT to create a process that has higher degree of control over administering drugs at clinic.


Incident reported in California, Texas and Indiana of accidental overdose of blood thinner medication in infants that resulted in life threatening tragedies reflect need to improve patient safety in administering medication at hospitals. Compassionate care leadership team did implement measures to prevent transmitting hospital based Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) infections by training nurses, physicians and others. The result was 30% drop in MRSA infection patient. CCHNE tackle problem of adverse drug event by addressing causes and motivating the staff to record the adverse drug event for performance tracking purposes. Sandy Payne , Vice President of Administration realize it was difficult to expect doctors and nurses to follow through and perform administrative tasks of recording each adverse drug incident when they have to address other pressing issues. Payne researched ways for medication safety to lower the risk of medication overdose. Payne research suggested that improving internal processes such


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