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Dbq - French and Indian War

Autor:   •  March 31, 2011  •  Essay  •  528 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,971 Views

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A sense of identity and unity was beginning to emerge throughout the colonies,

by the eve of the Revolution. Many felt anger towards the British Parliament for passing numerous laws without their consent. The colonists' opposition to Parliament's interference sparked thoughts of revolution. The French and Indian War, the laws passed by parliament, and the 1st and 2nd Continental Congress were what gave the colonies a sense of identity.

The French and Indian War took place in 1754-1763 and helped promote unity, gave them a sense of common identity, and boosted the colonies confidence after their victory. The colonists had to work together to fight the French and their Native American allies and were victorious. After their victory France was no longer a threat and the colonists proved that their army could fight.

The French and Indian War put a large war debt on Great Britain. For this reason, Parliament passed laws that taxed the colonies. The first direct tax on the colonists was the Stamp Act of 1765. This act forced colonists to pay taxes on paper goods such as newspapers, almanacs, pamphlets, etc. Then in 1766, Parliament passed the Townshend Acts which placed a tax on goods imported to the colonies. The Tea Act of 1773 put a tax on the tea imported into the colonies. The Intolerable Acts of 1774 consisted of five different acts. The Impartial Administration of justice act allowed the governor of a colony to move the trial if he believed the jury wouldn't judge fairly. The Massachusetts Bay Regulating Act made the governor appoint law officers and banned all town meetings that didn't have an approval from the governor. The Boston Port Act closed the port of Boston until the price of the tea that was dumped was recovered and moved capital to Salem. The Quartering Act forced the colonists to provide food and shelter for the soldiers when requested to do so. The Quebec Act granted religious


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