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"euthanasia": A Critique

Autor:   •  July 23, 2012  •  Research Paper  •  798 Words (4 Pages)  •  2,326 Views

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In “Euthanasia”, Willke & Willke (online) advocate the stance to oppose the legalization of Euthanasia for terminally ill patients. Firstly, they believe that Euthanasia is usually unnecessary nowadays as the medical armamentariums are improving, which could possibly heal the patients and avoid fatality. Next, they claim strongly that doctors do make frequent wrong judgment on patients’ critical condition and cause many avoidable deaths. In addition, they state succinctly that doctors and family could affect the rationality of patients when making decision for voluntary Euthanasia. Apart from reasoning, they recommend that palliative care with love and competence for the dying patients will be an appropriate alternative for Euthanasia. In some cases where Euthanasia is inevitable, he suggests that a professional executer should be hired to do the job in place of doctors, in order to protect the reputation and trust of doctors that have been declining after the legalization of abortion. While it may be true that their reasons are logical, but most of them are not supported by strong evidence to convince the readers. Furthermore, they undermine the unbearable pain going through by patients as well as huge financial problem for the patients’ family.

Euthanasia, or so called assisted suicide refers to the practice of ending life in a painless manner. Willkes convey their concern over the legalization of euthanasia would follow the footprint as of abortion, which becomes common and results in many deaths. Indeed, both kill; however, it is misleading to speculate Euthanasia will end up similar to abortion. Cleverly, Willke reckons that the illustration of an old man, suffering in pain and agony can be prevented and Euthanasia will not be necessary with the advancement in medical treatment. Additionally, Willkes do not take into consideration of the financial burden carried by patients’ family to support the expensive treatment. A report says that hospitals beds in Killarney are insufficient to accommodate the rising number of patients admitted (Niall Hunter, 2005). This scenario could worsen if we provide treatment to the dying patients and occupy the beds rather than giving to the acute and emergency patients. Consequently, without any treatments, more deaths will occur.

To support their notion that the demand for euthanasia is low, they bring out a piece of reliable statistical study that shows majority of the patients that are in advanced stages of acute diseases


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